


      《我的世界初音的歌曲》是2013年Fangamer出品的《我的世界》( My Little World)的原声带的核心组成部分,由英国著名创作者Hoby(Hoby)-Infinity编曲。该作品总共收录7首歌曲,其中包括《End of the World》、《Wings of Love》、《The Last of the Summer》、《A Night of Memories》、《Night Sky》、《Lullaby for a Dreamer》和《Light of Life》,每首歌曲都有各自独特的特征。

      《End of the World》是整张精选集中最受欢迎的乐曲,这首歌曲以安静而穏定的曲调伴随着清脆悦耳的旋律展开,宛若一阵清风吹来,让整个世界仿佛处于一片宁静之中。此曲歌词描述了一段美好的爱情,宛如诗一般唱道:“When the world comes to an end,our love will stay the same,together our love will turn it all back around…”。

      《Wings of Love》是一首充满动感和力量的歌曲,以宏大的旋律切入,然后慢慢发展为细腻的音乐,节奏明快,曲调优美,歌词描述了对爱情憧憬,渴望能够得到爱情的守护,“My wings are ready to fly,Im ready to seek,my heart burning flame so high,up in the sky,never thought the world would be so wide and so bright...”。

      《The Last of the Summer》是一首晴朗、温暖的歌曲,以欢快的节拍带着缓慢的歌词,曲中展示出一片淡淡的夏天之色,旋律舒缓,温馨,歌词就像一支抒情的小诗:“Take me to the last of the summer,where every moment is a blessing,Surrounded by warmth,by the gentle breeze,The colors of life are changing...”。

      《A Night of Memories》是最安静的歌曲,以优美的旋律引导着整部作品的情感,歌词描述了人们的爱情和生活中的回忆,“Through the night well light up the stars,we can make this a night of memories,everyone has their own way of life,so go on and live your dreams...”。

      《Night Sky》也是一首令人难以置信的曲子,曲调柔和,旋律悦耳,弥漫着浪漫的气息,歌词描述了人们在夜空中亲吻时的情感:“We were dancing under the night sky,casting shadows up above,we were laughing and singing in this beautiful night,our lips locked together like never before,our hearts beating so strong...”。

      《Lullaby for a Dreamer》以慢版的曲调加上优美的旋律,宛如一支慢板田园风格的抒情曲,温馨动人,歌词描述了夜晚的景色以及对睡梦的祈求:“Dream the sweetest dream,until the morning comes,let the darkness take away all of your fear,and may your dreams be as sweet as they can be,Dream of me,lullaby for a dreamer...”。

      最后,《Light of Life》是一首有着强烈的音乐气息的歌曲,以富有力量的旋律展开,歌词描述了期盼着美好生活的憧憬:“Let the light of life surround you,light up your heart and lead you to the future,with courage and hope,you will find the way,no matter what life brings,you will be strong and brave...”。

